Driving Evidence-Based Decision Making
Founded in 2002 as a full-service market research organization, we are a dedicated team of research professionals, each with decades of experience in the market research industry. Combining our backgrounds in both client and supplier sides of research, team members bring a wealth of knowledge to every project.
Committed to working collaboratively

Whatever comes at us, we adapt with the changes of your organization’s needs.

From simple to complex research, we know how to bring you solutions.

We’ve been doing research for a long time and it’s what we do best.
Financial Services
Quantitative Survey Research
Qualitative Research
Focus Groups
In-Depth Interviews
Advanced Analytics
Correspondence Analysis
Discrete Choice Modeling
Key Driver Analysis
Optimal Pricing Analysis
Our Expertise

• Whether you are meeting your customers' needs regarding customer service and support?
• How customers make the decision to buy your product or choose the product offered by your competitor?
• If there is an unmet need among your customer, and potential customer, base?
• If your school community will support a specific budget initiative?
• If your employees are satisfied with opportunities for training and professional development?
• If your target customer base is aware of your advertising messaging?
Have You Ever Wondered...
Our Principles

Work in a collaborative manner to truly understand what your organization needs.
Deliver insights and results that enable evidence-based decision making.
Be transparent in the good times and bad.
Do not propose research solutions that are not needed.
Never over-promise on what we can deliver.
Let us know how we can help with your research needs!

I founded Edu-lutions Research, Inc. over 15 years ago as a full-service market research firm focused on providing individualized research and consulting services. I wanted to work collaboratively with my clients to understand and optimize research goals and objectives, while delivering actionable insights that facilitate tactical and strategic decision making. And, I wanted to always do what was best for my client, regardless of the extra professional time that may require. With 30 years of market research experience under my hat, I realize the importance, and value, of establishing hands-on, long-term relationships with each client our team and I work with.
For our team, every research engagement starts with two questions: What are your research objectives? And, how will the evidence and insights the research provides help drive decision-making? We connect you with your customers in a wide range of industries including healthcare, education, financial services, automotive, technology, and non-profit. Our in-depth analysis will draw clear conclusions - the research evidence needed to allow you to make informed decisions and take action. But, we do not stop there! We consider the research cycle to be continuous, and we will be there to support you at every stage of that process.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your research needs!
Take care,